#141 – The Whimper of Freedom

First things first:
If you're in the general SLC area, join us for Brigham's Bar Bash & Clothing Drive!! It is on Tuesday, Dec 12, at 6 pm at Acme Bar (837 E. 2100 S)
Warm clothes or canned food get you in the door. Come hang, celebrate, and do some holiday good. All donations will go to SLC Mutual Aid or the Utah Food Bank.
Please sign the SLC Housing For All petition here to help get it on the ballot!
Pod stuff:
This week, the boys recap the results of the SLC mayor race that was and the fun times we all shared along the way. We then cover the never-ending OUR/Tim Ballard saga, but this time it includes Sean Reyes making threats and writing scripts. We also get into some news around the US government's enablement of the destruction in Gaza.
And finally, we end with the Washington Post's editorial board telling us all how our political beliefs are threatening the mere concept of marriage. Get in, we're going podding.