#106 – Prison Planet

Still kickin'. Starting things off, please donate what you can to SLC Mutual Aid. Greg is picking up anything you're willing to donate: shoes, warm clothes, hats, etc. He'll drive to you and pick it up. If you don't have any goods to donate, please consider sending money: https://slcmutualaid.com/donate
On the ep, the boys catch up on what we've been up to as a pod and talk about Joe Biden scabbing, Kanye's extended nazi media tour, Elon's brain chips, and more. We also talk about a good op-ed and reporting out of the SL Trib about the water situation and how we can't keep pretending like alfalfa isn't draining our state dry.
And finally, Jordan teaches us about what's been going on with the state prison being moved. Turns out that real estate developers have really bungled the whole thing, leaving extremely unsafe conditions at the new expensive prison, including a massive mosquito problem. Who would've guessed?
Here's some reporting on the prison topic from Paighten Harkins.
Outro song by SLCHC band Spent.
Thanks again for listening, everyone. Support the show on Patreon, should you feel so inclined: https://www.patreon.com/brighamyoungmoney