#168 – Solidarity on the Mountain w/ Park City Ski Patrol Union

So this is the new year. And I know a lot of things don't feel any different. And honestly, a lot of things have gotten worse.
But not with this episode. No chance. In this one, Kyle and Greg interview Joe and Tate from the Park City Professional Ski Patrol Association, a union of ski patrollers that work at Park City Mountain Resort that was able to successfully pressure Vail Resorts (the corporation) into coming to the table to negotiate a new contract. We catch up with the two of them to discuss what got them into ski patrolling, the contract dispute they've been in with Vail for a year, and what it's like to go on strike during one of the biggest weeks of the year for the company and the resort.
This saga with the PC Ski Patrollers and Vail has shown the benefit of unions and the power of solidarity. Things we love to see!
Their union is part of United Mountain Workers and if you work at a ski resort and are interested in unionizing, go here: https://www.unitedmountainworkers.org