#170 – Brigham’s Bombshell w/ Taylor Barnes

BYM, baby. This week, Greg interviews Taylor Barnes, a field reporter with Ink Stick Media who focuses on military affairs and the defense industry.

In her work, she uncovered a connection about how the LDS Church, known for its humanitarian focus, has quietly invested in defense giant Northrop Grumman through its multibillion-dollar fund, Ensign Peak Advisors. Greg is here to talk to Taylor about that reporting.

You can find Taylor's excellent piece here:

Cracks in the Sin Screen: The Link Between Mormon Tithes and Nuclear Weapons

#168 – Solidarity on the Mountain w/ Park City Ski Patrol Union

So this is the new year. And I know a lot of things don't feel any different. And honestly, a lot of things have gotten worse.

But not with this episode. No chance. In this one, Kyle and Greg interview Joe and Tate from the Park City Professional Ski Patrol Association, a union of ski patrollers that work at Park City Mountain Resort that was able to successfully pressure Vail Resorts (the corporation) into coming to the table to negotiate a new contract. We catch up with the two of them to discuss what got them into ski patrolling, the contract dispute they've been in with Vail for a year, and what it's like to go on strike during one of the biggest weeks of the year for the company and the resort.

This saga with the PC Ski Patrollers and Vail has shown the benefit of unions and the power of solidarity. Things we love to see!

PC Ski Patrol Union on IG

Their union is part of United Mountain Workers and if you work at a ski resort and are interested in unionizing, go here: https://www.unitedmountainworkers.org

#167 – Holiday In Altoona

Episode Notes

The Boys are back and need to catch up on a lot since, like most of you, we've let a lot of work pile up during the holiday season. In this episode we talk about South Korea, Syria, Trump's cabinet, and then finish up with a long discussion on what the current situation involving health insurance and how we got here, and what we can do going forward.

Anyway, come have fun with us on December 15th at The Ruin Bar at 6:00 PM 159 S Main Street, Salt Lake City.

Please bring warm clothes, non-perishable food, or donate cash for school lunch debt.

#166 – Ouroboros Feat. Marshall Steinbaum

Episode Notes

The boys are joined by University of Utah Economics Professor Marshall Steinbaum (@Econ_Marshall) to discuss Kyle's trip through Hooligan violence in Amsterdam, and then the results of the election, and how those ivory tower eggheads screwed us all again.

#165 – The Finish Line Feat. Josh From TWOAPW

Episode Notes

Holy lord, we made it. Election Day.

Anyway, against our better judgement Greg and Jordan did an episode with Josh from The Worst of All Possible Worlds Podcast to look into the last few weeks of the Trump Campaign and make predictions that will either make us seem like prophets or the dumbest people on earth. Time will tell!

You can find Josh on Twitter @boshj, or Bluesky at @bosh, and you can find The Worst of All Possible Worlds on their Website or any podcast source.

#164 – A Dam Good Episode w/ Zak Podmore

Howdy! It's your BYM buds checking in with a new ep.

For this one, we had officially official BYM Southern Utah Correspondent, Zak Podmore, on the podcast. Before getting to the really good stuff, we chatted about all the garbage talk from the garbage rally at MSG, Trump being a sex criminal still, and more.

In our main segment tonight, and the real reason we made Zak come on the show other than making him learn about things against his will, was to talk about his fantastic new book: "LIFE AFTER DEAD POOL: Lake Powell's Last Days and the Rebirth of the Colorado River"

You should buy it and read it because it (red) rocks:


I won't wax poetic about it in the description of a podcast episode, but you can hear me (Kyle) do that on the show because it is a beautiful, informative, and optimistic book about the reality facing an extremely key feature of the American southwest and how it all got to this point.

The extremely relevant and delightful outro music provided by Jackson Emmer: Houseboat Pontoon

#163 – Bonus: We have fed you all for 1000 years

Episode Notes

Greg and Jordan talk with members of the Teamsters 222 who are attempting to form a union with the Grocery chain WinCo. We discuss the challenges of organizing, the limitations of "employee owned and empowered businesses" and how to overcome crippling social anxiety to talk with your coworkers about organizing.

Follow the union on Instagram at: Winco Union Utah

Find Resources at the Utah Workers Center

And if you're interested in working for WinCo, go here

#162 – Can MomTok Survive This?

The boys return for an episode so special that we needed to bring in some reinforcements. While Erin Vanderhoof isn't technically from Utah, she pretty much is spiritually.

In this ep, we talk Utah's ballot amendment mess, Israel doing more bad stuff (gasp), Eric Adams' arrest, and more.

But the main topic in this episode is what's been on the forefront of the American mind: The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives -- the hit television series on Hulu. We discuss all the drama and the arc of our feelings throughout the season, which turned out to be surprisingly complicated.

Follow Erin on X, the everything app: https://twitter.com/vanderhoofy

And check out her excellent writing at Vanity Fair: https://www.vanityfair.com/contributor/erin-vanderhoof

Can't wait for szn 2 of this show

#161 – Cemetery of Dunces

Episode Notes

The boys are all back to discuss the DNC, the bleakness of Greg's replies, and what happens when an idiot and a narcissist meet at a cemetery

#159 – Old Time Religion Feat. Jason Kirk

Episode Notes

Jordan and Greg are joined by author, journalist, and podcaster, Jason Kirk (@jasonkirk_fyi) to talk about his excellent new book Hell Is A World Without You. Which is about the experience of growing up Evangelical at the turn of the 21st Century, and all the unique cultural aspects that come from that exact moment of political and social upheaval.

Buy Jason's book here

You can find Jason at his other podcasts, The Shutdown Fullcast and Vacation Bible School